The code IronBot used to create years at os-wiki ивын

Must have a template for the years-table. See Template:Азтæ.

!Delete the leading spaces in every line!

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
import sys, re, math, formatter
import wikipedia, config, catlib

def int_to_roman(input):
  if type(input) != type(1):
     raise TypeError, "expected integer, got %s" % type(input)
  if not 0 < input < 4000:
     raise ValueError, "Argument must be between 1 and 3999"   
  ints = (1000, 900,  500, 400, 100,  90, 50,  40, 10,  9,   5,  4,   1)
  nums = ('M',  'CM', 'D', 'CD','C', 'XC','L','XL','X','IX','V','IV','I')
  result = ""
  for i in range(len(ints)):
     count = int(input / ints[i])
     result += nums[i] * count
     input -= ints[i] * count
  return result
mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
for i in range(1932, 2010):
   print i      
   dcd = int(math.floor(i/10)*10)
   cnt = int(math.floor((i-1)/100)+1)
   pl = wikipedia.PageLink(mysite, str(i))
   #s = pl.get()
   if (not pl.exists()):
       s = u"{{Азтæ|"+str(i-4)+u"|"+str(i-3)+u"|"+str(i-2)+u"|"+str(i-1)+u"|"+str(i)+u"|"+str(i+1)+u"|"+str(i+2)+u"|"+str(i+3)+u"|"+str(i+4)+u"|"+str(dcd-30)+u"|"+str(dcd-20)+u"|"+str(dcd-10)+u"|"+str(dcd)+u"|"+str(dcd+10)+u"|"+str(dcd+20)+u"|"+str(dcd+30)+u"|"+int_to_roman(cnt-1)+u" æнус|"+int_to_roman(cnt)+u" æнус|"+int_to_roman(cnt+1)+u" æнус}}\n\
* \n\
* \n\
* \n\
        pl.put(s, 'Robot: add year')
   yct = catlib.CatLink(wikipedia.getSite(), str(i))
   if (not yct.exists()):
       syct = u'[[Category:'+int_to_roman(cnt)+u" æнус]]\n\
       yct.put(syct, u'Robot: Create year category')