ÆмбарынгæнæнTrees in ICM on Myrstigen hiking trail, Brastad 2.jpg
English: Trees photographed with handheld ICM (intentional camera movement) on Myrstigen hiking trail in winter in Brastad, Lysekil Municipality, Sweden. One photo made with hand-held camera, in a slow movement with a short pause at the beginning for that "double exposure" effect.
Español: Árboles fotografiados con el método ICM (movimiento intencional de la cámara) en invierno en Brastad, Suecia.
Українська: Дерева, сфотографовані ручним методом ICM взимку в Брастаді, Швеція.
"Doing ICM is actually a lot harder than it looks. Most people begin with just swiveling/panning the camera on a tripod. That way you get a feeling for what the movement does to the photo. When you are comfortable with that you can start doing free-hand moves. You set the camera so you'll get some time to move it, some photographers also use an ND filter to get enough time (I don't own such a filter).
When doing this free-hand, you can adjust the speed of the movement during the shot. You can have a small pause in the movement at the beginning, during, or end of the shot. Whatever you have in front of the camera during the pause, will get a bit longer exposure and look more distinct in the image. The result of these short pauses, will look like double exposure. For this scene, a long steady camera movement looks like another photo: Trees in ICM on Myrstigen hiking trail, Brastad 1. In that shot I started a little lower and got some of the walkway too (the black at the bottom). To get the branches a bit visible, I went for a slower movement and started with a small pause, before moving the camera downwards. That did the "double exposure effect" you see here.
Mind you, it all had to be done in 1/6 sec (see EXIF) since it was done in daylight. I also used ISO 100 and f/29 to get some more time to do the movement. If you want to start testing this, the best time is at dusk or dawn. On this scene I did over 50 shots to get the movement right; only two were acceptable, the rest only looked strange and blurry."
Italiano: Alberi fotografati in inverno a Brastad, in Svezia, con il metodo intentional camera movement, con il quale la macchina fotografica viene spostata durante l'esposizione per ottenere un effetto suggestivo. Oggi è la giornata mondiale della fotografia.
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