Пуштунтæ, паштунтæ (пашто پښتون ныгуыл. [paʂtun], скæс. [paxtun], перс. پختون [pæχtun], урду پٹھان) кæнæ афгъайнæгтæ (перс. افغانی [æfʁɒːniː]) сты ирайнаг адæмтæй иу, цæрынц Афгъанистан æмæ Пакистаны.

Хином پښتون Paṣ̌tun
Нымæц 63 млн

Пакистан Пакистан: 43,4 млн (2021)[1][2]
Афгъанистан Афгъанистан: 15,4 млн (2020)[3]

Инди Инди: 3,2 млн (2018)[4][5][6]
Æвзаг пушту æмæ урду, дари
Дин пысылмон дин
Кæй сконды у ирайнаг адæмтæ
ВикиКъæбицы логотип Викикъæбицы медиа


  1. South Asia :: Pakistan — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency. cia.gov. Датæ: 2019-æм азы 24 февралы.
  2. Kiani, Khaleeq CCI defers approval of census results until elections. Dawn (28 May 2018). — «On the national level, Pashto stood second with 18.24pc population reporting it as mother tongue...». Датæ: 2020-æм азы 26 майы.
  3. CIA - The World Factbook -- Afghanistan. umsl.edu.
  4. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan's great granddaughter seeks citizenship for 'Phastoons' in India, 15 February 2018. „Interacting with mediapersons on Wednesday, Yasmin, the president of All India Pakhtoon Jirga-e-Hind, said that there were 32 lakh Phastoons in the country who were living and working in India but were yet to get citizenship.“
  5. Frontier Gandhi's granddaughter urges Centre to grant citizenship to Pathans. The News International (16 February 2018). Датæ: 2020-æм азы 28 майы.
  6. Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India LANGUAGE INDIA, STATES AND UNION TERRITORIES (Table C-16). Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Датæ: 2018-æм азы 31 декабры.